STAYING CONNECTED DURING COVID-19 CRISIS .. so we are back doing this again … August 2021
If you can, please reach out – stay connected – with each other – perhaps phone someone who normally sits near you at Mass to say hello; text or email someone to see how they’re getting on.
Thank you to our team of volunteers who are helping to “letterbox drop” printed copies of parish bulletins to parishioners who don’t have internet/email access – we appreciate your help very much. If you’re talking to someone who might not have an email address, ask them if they’re receiving the bulletin each week and if not, we can add them to our list!
If you are aware of someone who has an email address and is not receiving our emails, please let us know.
If you are aware of someone who needs some practical help with shopping or help in getting to an appointment, again let us know and we’ll see what help we may be able to offer.
With no chance of face to face meetings or catch-ups after Mass at the moment, let’s look at other ways to stay connected; for example– the Parish Finance Council will be meeting via Zoom this month. Perhaps this is a way that other Parish groups could stay connected too. If you need help getting set up for Zoom, give us a call and we’ll help you get set up! FaceTime, Skype and WhatsApp are other possibilities for group catch-ups.
Do you have a smart TV? Did you know you can connect to YouTube via your Smart TV?