News & Events

How can I be more involved in Parish Life?

Posted by on Oct 16, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

This weekend  16-18 October members of our Parish Pastoral Council will talk to us during Masses about ways that we might consider becoming more involved in our Parish. The Information Sheet below provides information and an opportunity to volunteer for one or more new sub-committees as well as the opportunity to express interest in being considered for one of the various Parish ministries.  If you are already involved in one of the ministries mentioned, you do not need to reapply. Completed forms may be left in the sealed Pastoral Council collection box at the back of the church.  If you...

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Update on the numbers able to attend Mass

Posted by on Jul 3, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

From 1 July 2020 the number of people permitted to attend Masses and other church services is determined by the 4 square meter distancing rule. Whilst this change has allowed us to open up more seats in the Church, we are still limited and therefore we will continue with our current “booking” system. All Masses will continue to be celebrated in Sacred Heart Church (entry via main entrance only). Bookings for weekend Masses should continue to be made through the Parish Office by phoning 6672 1118  on Tuesday & Wednesday 9 am to 3 pm or by email to Alternatively you...

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Mass is Back … with a few modifications and restrictions in place

Posted by on Jun 12, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

What are some of our modifications & restrictions? - all Masses will be celebrated in Sacred Heart Church (entry via main entrance only) - limit of 50 per Mass – signing in on arrival and hand sanitising – need to book for weekend Masses - no holy water - social distancing 4m2 rule – seats are marked where you can sit - be aware … you might not get to sit in your regular seat! - no congregational singing - no hymn books & no Mass cards - no collection plates - no offertory procession - no Sign of Peace - Communion BY HAND only - no chalice - church cleaned...

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Light up the dawn for Anzac Day

Posted by on Apr 24, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

Light up the dawn for Anzac Day

This Anzac Saturday, for the first time in it’s 93 year history, there will be no dawn service for people to observe together. However, we can still honour the memory of the brave soldiers and service people that sacrificed their lives for our country. As an alternative to the dawn service the RSL has proposed we stand outside our driveway at 5:55 am for a minute’s silence. We ask everyone to light a candle, and pray for all the Anzac’s, as we stand silently in remembrance. Many of our fallen heroes throughout the years, were young and never had the chance to have families of...

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Staying Connected

Posted by on Apr 16, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

STAYING CONNECTED DURING COVID-19 CRISIS .. so we are back doing this again … August 2021 If you can, please reach out – stay connected – with each other – perhaps phone someone who normally sits near you at Mass to say hello; text or email someone to see how they’re getting on. Thank you to our team of volunteers who are helping to “letterbox drop” printed copies of parish bulletins to parishioners who don’t have internet/email access – we appreciate your help very much.  If you’re talking to someone who might not have an email address, ask them if they’re receiving the bulletin...

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Easter Sunday Mass

Posted by on Apr 15, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

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