Posts by maryann

Presbytery Christmas Lights are UP and were turned ON last night

Posted by on Dec 4, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

The Presbytery Christmas Lights are UP and were turned ON last night – thanks Prodencio for lighting us up before you move!  We just have to remember to turn them on each night after you go next week!

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Prodencio moving to Port Macquarie Parish on Friday 11 December

Posted by on Dec 4, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

We ask that you please keep Prodencio in your thoughts and prayers as he prepares for his forthcoming ordination to the diaconate early in 2021 and his imminent move to Port Macquarie Parish.  Prodencio will move to Port Macquarie on Friday 11 December.  We are going to miss him very much! This weekend will be his last in our Parish.

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Fr John Fitz-Walter RIP

Posted by on Nov 21, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

It is with great sadness that we advise that Fr John Fitz-Walter died peacefully in Lismore on Thursday 19 November 2020 in the presence of his family, after a long illness. A Requiem Mass for the repose of his souls will be held at St Augustine’s in Coffs Harbour on Friday 27 November 2020 at 10:30 am. Fr John’s funeral will be live-streamed by Keith Logue & Sons Funeral Directors A copy of the Order of Service for Fr John’s Requiem Mass is available here for those who wish to view the livestream service. Eternal rest grant...

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How can I be more involved in Parish Life?

Posted by on Oct 16, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

This weekend  16-18 October members of our Parish Pastoral Council will talk to us during Masses about ways that we might consider becoming more involved in our Parish. The Information Sheet below provides information and an opportunity to volunteer for one or more new sub-committees as well as the opportunity to express interest in being considered for one of the various Parish ministries.  If you are already involved in one of the ministries mentioned, you do not need to reapply. Completed forms may be left in the sealed Pastoral Council collection box at the back of the church.  If you...

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Update on the numbers able to attend Mass

Posted by on Jul 3, 2020 in News & Events | 0 comments

From 1 July 2020 the number of people permitted to attend Masses and other church services is determined by the 4 square meter distancing rule. Whilst this change has allowed us to open up more seats in the Church, we are still limited and therefore we will continue with our current “booking” system. All Masses will continue to be celebrated in Sacred Heart Church (entry via main entrance only). Bookings for weekend Masses should continue to be made through the Parish Office by phoning 6672 1118  on Tuesday & Wednesday 9 am to 3 pm or by email to Alternatively you...

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